Vehicle Surveillance System
Our advanced technology uses color area scanning technique to scan and search vehicle images and identify suspicious objects.
Under Vehicle Scanning System
The Under Vehicle Inspection System SecuScan® with its highly efficient scanning technology supports the fast and uncomplicated detection of hazardous objects (explosives, drugs and smuggled goods etc.) and hidden persons without delaying the traffic flow at checkpoints and without endangering the safety personnel by working outside a protected control station.
Use Applications:
- Protection of high-security Buildings and Installations (Government Buildings, Embassies, Prisons, Nuclear Power Plants, Airports etc.)
- Border Controls.
- Controls at large-scale Events.
- Stadium / Sport Arena Security.
- Police Controls.
- Private / VIP Residences.
- Parking Garage Access Controls.
The Under Vehicle Scanning System SecuScan® is available in two versions
Permanent version
Mobile version
World’s best innovative technology
Automatic Foreign Object Detection Algorithm which is supporting the detection of explosives, weapons, contrabands, etc.
Zoom capabilities support the identification of details up to a size of 5 mm.
Full color solution.
Detect and Scans vehicles up to 40km/h.
Hardened Stainless-steel construction.